Revised Law No. 29/2007 Proposes Greater Authority to Governor
Reported by Andry | Translated by Trias Risangayu
City Secretary Assistant for Government Section, Bambang Sugiono disclosed that the draft revised Law Np. 29/2007 on Jakarta Provincial Government as National's City, proposing a greater authority to the governor for Jakarta development program.
For instance, people always complain on damaged road. Whereas, in Jakarta, there are local, province, and country roads. When they are damaged, we cannot do anything, including river normalization
Sugiono explains through greater authority to governor, issues of facility and infrastructure in the city which are the authority of central government, can be resolved by Jakarta government.
"For instance, people always complain on damaged road. Whereas, in Jakarta, there are local, province, and country roads. When they are damaged, we cannot do anything, including river normalization," he cited.
Ahok will Not Revise the 2015 UMPHe voiced that the draft which still being finalized along with government experts and regional working units (SKPD), would be filed to Commission II for House of Representative (DPR)'s Regional Government Section through Home Ministry.
"The revision is targeted this year. There has been fund from Governance Bureau (Tapem) in Problem Inventory List (DIM). Afterwards, it would form its draft," he finished.